Professional Whitening vs. At Home Whitening

Professional Whitening vs. At Home Whitening

Looking for a smile makeover? Professional teeth whitening is an affordable, painless, and easy dental service that can enhance your appearance. Professional teeth whitening can give you much more dramatic results than over-the-counter products. A dentist can lighten deeper staining that whitening toothpastes or even whitening strips can’t touch while avoiding damage to your mouth.

Oral Cancer Awareness - Am I At Risk?

Oral Cancer Awareness - Am I At Risk?

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. About 50,000 people in the U.S. get oral cancer each year, 70% of them men. Oral and oropharyngeal cancer includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx (throat). It can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early. Schedule an annual exam with your dentist for an oral cancer screening.

Stress and your Oral Care

Stress can have many effects including inadequate or improper oral health. You may not even realize you are neglecting your dental health due to stress. While stress can seem like a temporary issue or a minor inconvenience, it can have long-term consequences. If you feel you’re already being affected by or think you are at risk for Periodontal Disease, give Smile New Braunfels a call.

Effects of Clenching and Grinding

The effects of Clenching and Grinding can lead to an assortment of health issues down the road. It can lead to tooth loss, inflammation of gums, jaw pain, and more. Smile New Braunfels can develop a custom-made mouth guard for you that will prevent you from clinching and grinding your teeth at night . This can ensure a better night’s sleep, and will protect your teeth from long-term damage.

The Tooth Alternative: Crowns

Many times, we’ve brought up the unfortunate inevitable event that age, gum disease, or other simple life factors lead to tooth loss. A big elephant in the room, tooth loss isn’t simply subscribed to the natural cycle of the human body. The outside forces are there, and they are all around the world. Car wrecks, other forms of accidents, even assault - any of these can knock a tooth (painfully) right out of place. As if you didn’t have to worry about age, it’d be a matter of going to the right person to help generate a smile again. At Smile New Braunfels, a crown won’t look like simple dentistry.

A major worry when it comes to crowns is that it’ll appear noticeable when you smile. Our goal is to blend the tooth restoration perfectly amongst the others. This is why that first office visit, we spend the prep time working to shape the injured tooth. The final crown will be in progress as you’ll leave with a temporary crown in the place where the finished model will be installed in that next visit. Crowns are usually bonded to porcelain or gold for higher strength. Particularly in accident cases where the tooth has been seriously damaged, crowns will provide that long term solution.

Crowns aren’t just a cosmetic procedure to make you look good. They’ve been proven to help with chewing by giving weakened teeth proper structure. There’s no shortage of accidents in the world; when those arrive, it’s best to have a solution ready for you. Here at Smile New Braunfels, we believe in safe and professional cosmetic procedures to help you maintain your oral health. It’s vital that we become more aware of how we’re treating ourselves - and go to the right dentist to help treat you. If you have any questions or need to set up an appointment, give us a call at 830-629-8011.

Do you Suffer from Sleep Apnea?

Many people that suffer from Sleep Apnea may not even know it. When a patient is diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, a common approach is the big and bulky CPAP machine, which can be uncomfortable. But, here at Smile New Braunfels, we can develop a more comfortable custom-made device that will hold the lower jaw forward to relieve the obstruction to the airway, giving you a more restful sleep.

My Gums Are Bleeding! What Do I Do?

Many people wind up saying that they refuse to floss because their teeth are sore afterward and sometimes they’ll pull back on the floss to find their gums are bleeding. The mentality of “maybe I did something wrong” causes people to start slacking when it comes to oral health. Although hemophobia (fear of blood) is common among people, it’s important to realize that the bleeding, soreness, etc will recede once you fit flossing into your daily routine. “But what if the bleeding persists? What if it could be on the off-chance something else?” Well, let’s go over the facts of why your gums are bleeding in the first place…

First, let’s state the most common fact that we know: most of us, particularly when we’re younger, don’t fit flossing into our daily routine. Because of this, plaque begins to build up and make its home along the gum-line. As the plaque sits there, it begins deteriorating at the gums. The body will do its best to fight back and cause us to have inflammatory gums. When someone takes a sabbatical from flossing for say, a week or so, the flossing will remove the plaque thus exposing the sensitive tissue of the gum. Thus, you’ll begin to bleed. This won’t always be the case if you keep up the routine of brushing and flossing daily. Eventually, your teeth will get stronger and your gums will be less likely be subjected to gingivitis. Still bleeding? This could be a very serious condition that might be related to Gum Disease. The disease can affect your overall health and leave your body open to other diseases as well - as noted many times, the gums are directly linked to the heart.

If you find yourself with consistent bleeding, soreness, or any other ailments, make an appointment at Smile New Braunfels. We’re firm believers in safe and professional cosmetic procedures that allow you to retain that bright smile. Give us a call at 830-629-8011 to set up that initial examination.