Stress and your Oral Care


In our fast-paced world, many people experience stressful situations. And while we’ve certainly discussed the harmful effects of stress-induced Bruxism (grinding and clenching of teeth) in our previous blog posts, there’s another potentially harmful side effect of stress - inconsistent or inadequate dental care. When we’re so stressed that we forget to take care of our teeth and skip a day (or two) of flossing and/or brushing, we increase the likelihood of falling into an ongoing habit of less-than-great oral care. And while stress can seem like a temporary issue or a minor inconvenience, it can have long-term consequences. A long-term failure to properly brush, floss, and rinse with mouth wash can put you at risk for Periodontal Disease.

We may think we know little bit about Periodontal Disease: we skip brushing or flossing for a while and the plaque starts to stick, and the next time you floss, you’ll see the tell-tale sign of bleeding gums. However, it’s simply not just the bleeding you’ll have to be worried about. Serious periodontal disease can impact your immune system and make you more receptive to the flu, stomach viruses and other diseases. And that’s not the worst of it; you could also be at risk for cancer as well as heart disease. Your long-term health could depend on how well you take care of your teeth.

Yes, our lives are incredibly stressful; we’re always running from one place to the next. Sometimes we don’t even realize we are neglecting our own dental health due to our stressful work and home lives. If you feel you’re already being affected by, or are at risk for Periodontal Disease, give us a call. Here at Smile New Braunfels, we believe in safe and professional procedures to maintain your smile. If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment with us, give us a call at 830-629-8011.