How Pregnancy, Menopause, and Menstruation Can Affect Your Oral Health


Everyone needs to care about their oral health. For women, specific cycles affect their oral health significantly. Hormonal changes occur in females which exaggerate the way in which gums react to plaque. Many people do not realize they have gum disease at its advanced state since it is usually painless. A gum disease is a bacterial disease that gets into the bloodstream and cause other health complications like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, respiratory problems and pregnancy outcomes.

Here are the common things you need to know regarding your dental health.

  • Pregnancy can impact your health

It is pregnancy itself that impact on the oral hygiene and not the aspect of new mothers being exhausted and forgetting to brush their teeth. Pregnancy can cause aching teeth, ‘pregnancy tumors’ and ‘pregnancy gingivitis’, which are red lumpy wounds around the gum line and between teeth. This is caused by hormonal changes in the body and it corrects itself after giving birth.

Morning sickness can also cause an erosive effect to on your teeth because of the acid in it. You should not brush your teeth immediately after vomiting since it can cause more damage. You should rinse your mouth with a cup of warm water and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda.

  • Menstruation can cause mouth sensitivity

Periods come with many uncomfortable symptoms. To add to them, mouth sensitivity is also included. It is common to experience gum bleeding, swelling and uncomfortable puffiness during menstruation. It is important to know these symptoms and how to treat them although not all menstruating people experience them. If you notice any of them, consult your dentist to help you establish how to manage them.

  • Menopause can impact your taste buds

Menopause comes with some frustrating dental problems like inflamed gums, tooth sensitivity towards cold foods and drinks. Food and drink that tastes a little odd is also a sign of burning mouth syndrome. You should be cautious of osteoporosis that affects the bones of the body in menopause. Since gums and teeth also have bones, it may lead to recession that results in gum reduction and tooth loss.