Dental Don'ts


Consider this, you’ve just been diagnosed with an oral disease and your dentist says it’s as a result of bad dental habits. If you want to maintain your oral hygiene, then you must observe good dental habits. This will help you avoid dental problems such as cracks on your teeth, tooth decay and oral diseases. Here are some of the “Dental DON’Ts” you need to know.

  • Don’t smoke: Smoking may cause your teeth to turn yellowish. It may also affect your gums and cause bad breath. Furthermore, it affects saliva production of saliva and makes you a mouth breather which can both affect your teeth. Smoking still makes people susceptible to oral cancer besides the effects it has on other body organs and that is why you need to avoid it.

  • Don’t chew seeds: When you chew seeds, you are likely to cause fissures in your molars which may result in dental diseases.

  • Don’t bite objects: Opening a lid using your teeth or biting pencils can result in tooth wear and enamel loss.

  • Don’t chew gum: When you chew gum more often, it may result in tooth cavities and articular problems as well.

  • Don’t brush strongly: Using hard toothbrushes or applying much pressure while brushing may easily harm your gums and produce dental abrasion which will result in sensitivity.

  • Don’t use toothpicks: When you use sharp objects to clean your teeth, it may disturb your gums and cause them to swell. This may result into gum disease. The perfect and recommended tool to use to clean your teeth is dental floss.

  • Don’t take drugs except by a dentist’s instruction: Certain drugs work effectively when you rub them over your gums. This may cause gum inflammation and also wearing out of the enamel.

  • Don’t wear mouth piercing: Mouth piercings yield microfractures in your teeth may over time break your teeth. You therefore need to avoid the tongue or lip piercings.

  • Don’t use your mouth to cut strings: When you use your teeth for cutting string and other objects, it makes the edges to of your teeth to wear and it further result in extreme sensitivity.

  • Don’t bite your nail: Biting your nails weakens the teeth and may also cause micro-fractures on the enamel.