Procedural Spotlight: Teeth Whitening



The phrase “you are what you eat” very much applies to the color of your teeth. Teeth are often stained unbeknownst to us; whether it’s a sip of coffee or wine, or eating darker textured foods. At some point, you may want to start considering whitening your teeth to retrieve that smile. The first thought is usually the cheapest: over-the-counter products. However, some of these over-the-counter products can cause more harm than good to your teeth and gums. Which is why you should consider Smile New Braunfels’ professional and safe Teeth Whitening services.

Our Teeth Whitening procedure takes place over two appointment periods. We’ll first need an examination to see the extent of your teeth’s discoloration. Then an impression of your lower and upper jaw will be taken in order to design a custom-made mouth guard to hold our teeth bleaching product in place. Bleach splints will be provided for you to put inside the mouthguard. The wearing of the mouthguard only costs you 3-4 hours out of your day for a week or two. The results will begin showing efficiently – and without any changes to your teeth structure. You can even determine which portion of your jaw you wish to brighten.

While discoloration of the teeth can be caused by what we ingest, sometimes it can come from simply aging. That said, there are severe cases – caused by smoking or other unhealthy habits – in which our office will recommend a different treatment altogether in order to help gain a brilliant smile. For more information on our Teeth Whitening service, please visit our Services Page that includes a video on the procedure. Here at Smile New Braunfels, we believe in safe and professional procedures that benefit your overall dental health. If you have any questions regarding Teeth Whitening or simply wish to set up an appointment, give us a call at 830-629-8011.