Bridges and Crowns are important for the rehabilitation of your teeth, post tooth loss or replacing those old fillings. When you leave with your temporary crown or bridge, make sure you avoid both hard and sticky foods, like candy, nuts, or frozen food in the fridge until after the full restoration is complete in the second appointment. You should also brush gently and floss with care to avoid dislodging the crown or bridge.
How to Brush: Tongue Bacteria
Your mouth is FILLED with bacteria; in fact, a single mouth is said to host billions of bacteria. Now, your focus when brushing tends to be on your teeth, but your tongue can nest 30-40% of the bacteria in your mouth. Going without brushing your tongue can cause serious issues for your oral hygiene, most notably, periodontal disease. Don't skip out on this important part of brushing your teeth!
Post-Procedure Recovery: What's Next?
You’ve officially decided you want to invest in procedures such as Bonding or Dental Implants. Smile New Braunfels walks you through the procedure that is normally a few days at most and once finished, you will officially be on your way to a new look. In order to make your recovery days as comfortable as possible, here are a few tips we recommend for at-home care.
Salt Water. After your procedure, you may experience mild jaw pain or swelling. However, these are a breeze to take care of. Simply stir one teaspoon of salt in warm water and rinse your mouth three times a day. The gums may experience pain for a few days, but simply performing this task will keep the pain at bay.
Mouth Guard. It’s easy to mess with your teeth by engaging them with your tongue and grinding other teeth against the procedure area. This can cause pain and extend your healing time, but the solution is simple: let us know that you tend to touch or grind your teeth and we will create a custom mouth guard to prevent any interaction.
Foods. To maximize your recovery time, there are certain foods and beverages that you should avoid. Hard foods and substances such as peanut brittle, nuts, and ice should be kept away for several days while you adjust. Liquids that can easily stain the teeth, such as coffee, red wine, and tea should also be locked up tight. This also means no smoking.
Brushing & Flossing. We know it’s easy to forget about brushing and flossing, even after dental operations. But regular oral care is imperative to keep your teeth clean and strong, as well as to help adapt your operated teeth to your jaw. Keep brushing and flossing as you get used to the feeling.
If you have any questions or concerns about your post-procedural recovery, do not hesitate to give our office a call at 830-629-8011.
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Floss
Many people often think that all they have to do to keep their teeth clean is to simply brush them. Brushing alone, however, only clears part of the plaque on your teeth. Flossing regularly is one of the most important steps you can take to keep your gums and teeth as healthy as possible. Here are the top 5 reasons you should start flossing.
Invest In: Tooth Colored Restorations
Evolving from the medieval-like silver fillings, tooth colored restorations are both more natural in appearance and more comfortable. These restorations may also help to keep damaged teeth intact. The resin used in this restoration also contains fluoride that will help prevent tooth decay, leaving you with a stronger tooth.
How To Properly Brush Your Teeth
Maintaining good oral hygiene should be one of the top priorities in your overall health, as dental problems can be painful, annoying, and can lead to other, more serious issues. Although you may be a regular twice a day brusher, very few of us actually brush our teeth as well as we should be. Thankfully, where there are mistakes, there are ways to fix them. Here is the 101 on how to brush your teeth properly.
A Beautiful White Smile
The key benefits of teeth whitening include its flexibility for people of all ages, its correction of yellow and brown tooth stains, and its near permanent solution for a ‘dull’ smile. Smile New Braunfels uses the latest in teeth bleaching technology and ensures a safe way for our patients to have the smile they deserve.
Smile New Braunfels Tech
The mission of Smile N.B. has always been to improve oral hygiene and create better smiles for all of New Braunfels. We provide our patients with teeth whitening, bonding, fillings, and more. Treating our patients, and getting to the cause of their problems would not be possible without the technology that assists us. Smile New Braunfels makes use of the latest in dental technology to help give you the smile you deserve.
Dental Microscope. Traditionally, Dentists would use ‘loupes’ to examine a patient’s teeth. It’s in our experience that we find using the microscope much more effective. The Dental Microscope allows us to achieve a better view of a patient’s tooth and thus, allows for more precise work to be done.
Dental Laser. This special laser is primarily used in re-shaping gum tissue when a cavity or crown is just below the gum line. For us to ultimately get a good impression of the edge of the tooth, the laser allows us to re-locate that gum tissue and not only then see the margin of the tooth but more importantly for the patient to be able to clean the area effectively for better, long term results. Use of the laser may also help shape the tooth, remove decay, and result in lower post-filling sensitivity.
Intraoral Camera. This digital pen-like camera can be a patient’s best friend; it explains what issues are occurring with their teeth and helps the dentist explain what treatments are necessary for the patient to have. It will allow the patient to see what we see.
Digital X-Rays. X-Rays done via digitally are faster, more accurate, and use 70% less radiation. Once x-rays are taken of the teeth, we’ll then show our patients what’s occurring and we can adjust the tint, color, and depth-of-field.
All of these tools help you on your journey to having a better smile. Don’t wait to make an appointment. Give us a call at 830-629-8011.